4 Aspects Of Maintenance That Will Make Your Truck Last Longer On The Road.

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December 7, 2022

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Photo by rikings unsplash.com

Here are four areas fleets may concentrate on to make sure their trucks run more effectively and stay on the road longer. To strengthen a maintenance program that produces more, each one supports the other.

For a maintenance program to be genuinely effective, these four components must coincide. If a fleet is to get the most out of its maintenance efforts, each component must cooperate with the others.

1. The Driver

An essential component of truck upkeep is the driver. It might even be the most crucial component, I’d nearly say. Drivers often notice a change in the vehicle’s sound or a small alteration in how it accelerates or brakes to identify problems in the very early stages.

You should therefore emphasize the significance of pre-and post-trip inspections. When we perform an action repeatedly, we run the risk of not giving it the attention it requires. Remind your drivers that thoroughness is crucial when performing pre-and post-trip inspections. Any issue that is noted on an inspection report may be fixed prior to the driver getting into the truck again.

This not only ensures that the vehicle is prepared for use within the driver’s allotted service time, but it can also avoid on-road breakdowns or out-of-service violations during roadside inspections.

2. The Technician

Make sure your technicians take driver complaints seriously and respond to things mentioned on the inspection report not only by completing repairs but also by closing the feedback loop for items they were unable to repair or problems they were unable to recreate.

Additionally, stress the significance of conducting complete preventative maintenance inspections each time the car is in for service. Ideally, any issues discovered when a truck is already being serviced can be fixed then, preventing the need to bring the truck back to the shop for more work

3. Training Programs

Because truck technology is always changing, your training efforts must also change. As well as delivering refresher courses for some of the common maintenance difficulties, make sure you are providing training for all new technologies that are being specified for your trucks.

4. Make Use Of Data

Managers of fleets today have access to a wealth of information on each asset. As trucks go along a route, sensors and telematics equipment leak data. Additionally, every service event should include a thorough data collection process.

It needs to be assigned to someone to examine the data and look for trends in wear and tear. This will enable the fleet to modify the maintenance schedules for each vehicle and enhance shop maintenance procedures.

Your vehicles will run more effectively and stay on the road longer if all of these factors—as well as any others you have identified that are particular to your organization—come together.

Please feel free to contact us if you require any additional help making sure that your fleet inspection is completed appropriately.


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